Institute of Accounting Profession is a unit of Abhipra Capital Limited. Abhipra has developed e-accounting package to provide assistance to the businessman of any size. This Institute of Abhipra is providing platform for preparing financial account without keeping an accountant at the business house.
This package is not only economical but also to keep records scientifically, secured and in confidential manner and is fully compliant related to compliances of GST and Income Tax requirements. Institute is working on three Modules as under:-
- Use this package and maintain financial books at your end by yourselves.
- Send your financial data through e-mail in excel format through mobile or through web (desktop), rest shall be managed by the institute.
- Furnish raw data through scan; rest shall be managed by the institute. Complete details of the package and the features are annexed herewith.
For any query, kindly contact Mr. Ashish Sharma at mobile number 7428396205
or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..